Thursday, October 4, 2007

More into Agel.

Well, for product information, read the previous post. This post is about AGEL's benefits.

Well, i can say my life is going to change, It may be what all network marketers say.

But Believe me, i really think that i'll be able to counter what they said, because for one,

Joining Agel, is good, provided you knOw how to walk the talk and talk the walk.

You see, i believe in myself, that i can approach people, and say, Hey, I think you really need

some solutions to your problems, and i kind of figured, that AGEL helps. You'd want to spend time with your family would you?

Well, i would and Agel fits that criteria! I think, as the saying goes,"it's really the IPOD of the wellness industry."

Think about it, AGEL saves u time of eating fibres, multivitamins, when you can just down one packet, 20ml

of nutrition! You cut on ur eating(you dont wanna eat what you don't want to,but you have to),

so you don't eat a lot just to get fibres to absorb the nutrients from pills.

Saves the hassle isn't it true?

Furthermore, buying pills alone are not worthy. Do the math, calculate.

You buy a bottle of say, proteins, You only absorb in 10-30% of the pills and powder and the rest of it, gets flushed out!

The bottle of proteins cost, say,40-60 dollars.

While Agel, when consumed, the body absorbs up to 90-95% of the Gel for only a cost of $120.

Look at the difference! $120, you take 90-95% of the product, meaning, you used $108- $114 worth of value.

I feel that, you, as my consumers should really know what's of real value and that, AGEL is the one.

You may say, your supplements, pills can last u 2 months! But think of it, the hassle of having to pop different pills into your mouth may be time consuming and not as effective as GELS.

Furthermore, AGEL's GEL allows you to taste the products, while pills normally, are you know,

" I don't want to taste it! It'shorrible!" and some even vomit out the pills because they get stuck

in the throat.

Well, Go Figure which is the best for your! I stand firm you'd benefit more from AGEL.

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